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You can start by checking out some of our blogs below.
Hacking Masculinity: 8 More Awesome Hacks From Women
You know the score by now. The intention of Hacking Masculinity is to positively influence culture by shifting the way we think and speak about men and masculinity. Continuing on from our last edition, part 4 features another eight high-calibre women answering the...
The Slippery Slope of Sexual Consent (part 2)
So let’s talk consent. What is it, what isn’t it, and how can we all step up to make sure we’re practicing ‘good’ consent?
The Slippery Slope of Sexual Consent (part 1)
We teach some pretty whack things when it comes to sex, sexuality and sexual consent. Some of which might actually seem harmless – but is it? How are we all, as men AND women contributing to ‘rape culture’? And what does empowered consent actually look like?
Hacking Masculinity: 9 Awesome Hacks From Women
In this very special third round of Hacking Masculinity, we asked nine women to weigh in and share their #1 masculinity hack to help men be awesome.
Why Toys, Whips & Fancy Positions Aren’t Always The Answer (and what our vanilla sex life actually looks like)
Think your sex life’s boring? Maybe you’ve been looking at it the wrong way. If vanilla is your favourite flavour, here’s a myth you need to know about.
The (No) Shame of Low Libido
The other morning, Reece tried to initiate sex. It didn't go so well. We'd both been working so hard lately, and I saw it for the beautiful attempt at connection and closeness that it was. In theory, I was open to it. But in the flesh, it was a different story. He...